Wednesday 17 March 2010

Possible titles for my Movie Magazine

Another area of my production was the decision on what i was going to call my film magazine, below are some of the possible titles which i came up with during my planning stages; all of these possible titles i tried to relate in some way to the filming world so that the audience could make the connection between my title and what the magazine is about.

Wrap: This was a possiblity as it is what directors say when all of the filming process has been completed, i believe this gave a suggestion of completion which would work well as my magazine is focusing on films that have been completed and are now being released at cinema whilst also giving a link with film and media.

Premiere: This is the title i chose for my magazine title as i felt it fitted nicely with what my magazine was all about. Premiere is when a film is being shown for the first time at the pictures with all of the stars therefore i felt this worked well as my magazine is focusing on new releases and film stars and the title basically sums up everything about my magazine.

Capture it: This title i found sounded good, however the sound of it gave suggestions that my magazine was about photography and suggested capturing images on camera.

Box Office: This was another title choice which i was close to chosing as again it works well as the box office the the sales or the films people are going to see and records how well films are doing ans how good certain films are which is some of the information which is focused on in my magazine.

Action: Although i liked this title and it related with the filming world as it is what the director shouts to get the actors to begin, i felt that it could have too many other possibilities such as the belief that the magazine is concentrating on the particular action genre and so i decided that this title would not work.

Overall i decided to chose the title Premiere as i believe it sums up everything about my magazine whilst also having a direct link with the filming world so that my audience can make the connection between my title and the focus of my magazine.

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