Wednesday 17 March 2010

Draft Magazine Front Cover ideas

This was my first initial idea which i used as a basis for the rest of my designs as i liked the look of the main image and so i tried to incorporate this design in some of my other draft ideas whilst changing certain elements to try and add more and more to my magazine until i felt that i had created the look that i wanted for my film magazine front cover.

This is another idea which i drafted to see how the magazine appears with a CU image of my main characters face, as after researching into the magazine conventions i discovered that this is a common element with the character looking directly out towards the audience, therefore i used my knowledge to incorporate this into my draft idea.

This idea was more of a focus on incorporating the characters weapons and props showing his guns and bullet proof vest so that i could give my audience a brief indication as to what the film is about.

These final two idea stemmed from my initial idea with the main image, i then decided to incorporate the idea of my character bursting out from between the wall which adds an element of destruction and action to my film magazine which provides the audience with an indication as to the genre of my film.

On this final design idea i changed the layout of the main headline of my magazines main feature by showing it bursting across the page as the explosion which has sent the wall crashing down has pushed the different words from the headline acorss the page. I felt this looked effective and creatvie and liked the appearance as i felt it suggested a lot about my film whilst also looking attractive and interesting which is vital to attract the audiences attention and make the magazine stand out.

Before moving onto the production element of my magazine front cover i decided to begin drafting some initial ideas of some front cover designs and formats. With each one i changed the design of the main image and played around with the conventions of such things as the title, the headlines and the features placed around the magazine. This task enabled me to build on ideas which i have had and work out which of the covers is the most appealing and attractive, whilst it also enabled me to interpret ideas from certain drafts that worked well, into my other draft ideas to create a design which i felt

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