Friday 19 March 2010

Possible Film Poster Creations

These are some designs which i have created using varying images and styles, changing the layout in order for me to discover which of the magazines works the best and which of my ideas could be changed and altered and ideas from other designs inputted into my final design in order for me to create the best possible film poster.

In this idea i wanted to show the heroic Johnson on one side of the image and show the assassin standing on the other with both of them staring directly at each other to highlight the confrontation between the hero and protagonist.

In this design i wanted the weapon to appear as if it is coming out of the film poster and pointing directly at the audience giving my image a 3d effect whilst involving the audience with the main image and my poster and having the effect of interesting them in my poster.

In this image i wanted to show my character as being calm and relaxed to highlight his fearless and tough guy image to my audience.

In this image i wanted to show someone looking down the scope of a rifle at my main character to bring to the attention of the audience the danger element that somebody is trying to kill the main character which also provides them with an insight into the films narrative.

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