Friday 19 March 2010

Possible Front Covers

Below, are a range of different magazine front cover layout idea's which i produced. I produced many different front covers as i wanted to see them after they had been produced because only then could i get an idea as to what worked and appeared better. Therefore i entered the creative production process and began swapping and changing things in each of my designs before coming up with a select few designs which i then asked a select number of people which design appealed to them the most, from which i picked and created my final design.

This design although one of my favourites due to the lighting effect on the main image which created a heroic glow making my characters features stand out, i couldnt use as it created shadows which blocked out some of the text in my magazine.

I couldnt use this image for the reason as stated above.

This was another image which i liked however the image of the gun was blocked out by the text and this therefore didnt have the effect i was hoping it would have had.

In this design i gave my magazine a white background at the top so that the title of my magazine would stand out clearer.

Using the same feature of the white background behind my magazines title i also altered the main image on my magazine.

This is the same design as above however without the white background behind the magazine title. I feel the image, although i feel it is a good and effective image, didnt work on the front cover of my magazine and it almost looked as if it didnt fit and was taking over the full front cover.

This is the design which i ended up chosing due to the audience feedback which said the main image suggested a lot to the audience and the background and overall image of the magazine front cover was attractive and appealing.

This is the same design as above however i again replaced the white background behind the title of my magazine to see if it made it look better, however in the end i made the decision that the background looked out of place and so decided to opt against it.

My chosen final design.

These are on the same basis and using the same image as seen above, however i changed the background to an alternative image which i also liked to see which of them worked best - i decided to go for the above backgrounds as i felt they looked more sinister and threatening and where more attractive and interesting for the audience.

Here i tried a different image on the alternative background.

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