Friday 19 March 2010

Pictures for film Poster

These are the pictures which i took for my film poster. When deciding to take the pictures i used the knowledge which i had obtained from researching different movie posters and their typical conventions. For example, i discovered that most movie posters for action films tend to have an image of the action figure and the films main hero dominating most of the poster. Therefore, when taking my pictures i tried to input these ideas to create an image which would typically be seen on the front of an action movie poster. I therefore got the prop of a machine gun, for my main character to pose with to symbolise to the audience that the main character is involved in the military and has weapons whilst also reinforcing the genre of my film which is action. Whilst taking these pictures i tried to take on a firm and dominant stance in order to convey my character as being a dominant hero who is prepared to fight but not back down.

This photograph was never used. Although i liked this photogrpah as it gave the effect that the barrell of the weapon was pointing directly towards the audience of the film poster, i decided against using this as too much of the face of my films hero was hidden away.

This photograph i used in both my movie poster and my magazine front cover. I decided to create this image in both designs as i wanted to see the effect which it would have and decide which of my texts i believe it would look better on. In the end i decided to use this image on my movie poster as i believe it shows my films hero looking directly out towards the audience whilst also carrying the machine gun weapon to indicate to the audience the genre of the film.

This image again wasnt used in either of my two ancilliary texts. Although i liked this image, i felt there were more images that looked better and so decided to use these images instead, although i do believe this image would have worked just as well.

This image was again not used. When taking the photographs i decided to experiment with the lighting to try and create shadows annd also to try and cast a glow over my character in order to get the image to stand out on the film poster. However when trying the designs for my poster with the different pictures i decided against this image as i believe the image was too bright.

Finally, this image was not used for a few reasons; when i initially had this idea and after drawing up some draft designs, I thought it would look quite good on the page. However when i properly added the image it didnt have the effect which i wanted. Also in the production stages, I decided that I wanted my films main hero to be facing the audience.

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