Wednesday 2 December 2009

LIIAR of My Film Trailer

Language: I have chosen to add a voice over to the film to tell the audience a brief insight into the story, i have also added caption cards toagain provide more insight into the films anrrative structure that it is following. Language of the film is conveyed through some of the dialogue between the two characters like when he asks why are you doing this and the assassin replies 'if you knew you'd want me to kill you', this tells the audience there is something big at work here that people are prepared to kill, to murder over. However most of the language of my film is conveyed through the footage i have filmed showing the characters chasing each other and fighting which highlights the confrontation between the hero and the protagonist whilst also shots showing my hero looking at the documents tells the reader that they are private official documents, due to the body language he conveys the audience can work out that the details contained in these papers are shocking and disturbing.

Institution: The institution behind the production of my films are Warner Bros, Lionsgate and Miramax films.

Ideology: The ideology behind my film trailer is that i wanted to create a film which included the conventions from more than one genre. I wanted to take the horror, thriller, action, drama and adventure genres and try and incoporate all of these elements into my film trailer. I also wanted to create a tense action film, however i wanted it to be though provoking and ask the audience how far they would go and what they would risk to do what they believed to be the right thing to do.

Audience:The audience for my film would be typically fans of the action / thriller genres, however i feel it would be aimed towards a younger audience. As after conducting research into the typical age range of cinema goers i discovered that these tended to be dominated by the younger age groups therefore it is vital that i direct my film towards them as they are a bigger audience and therefore more people will go and see my film as a result of this decision.

Representation: This film represents some of the issues which are seen in the world today such as the idea of nuclear warfare and wars between countries over weapons they have produced. However i also wanted to represent the little guy. How one ordinary man who goes to work comes home, sleeps and then goes back to work can help to change the world and make a difference.

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