Tuesday 10 November 2009

Synopsis of My Film Trailer

Synopsis for Choosen Idea

A manufactured disease which could destroy millions has been created. Nobody knew about it’s existence, that is, until now. CRPL JACK JOHNSON from the US army goes against everything he has ever known and trusted and takes a walk on the wild side of life when he uncovers the production of the virus.

Take $65,000,000 or leave the army and the only life you have ever known for good. Adapting to his new life being a Civvie Johnson is determined to prove to the world of his findings, however hot on his trail is a government assassin. Sean Black is a patriotic man. Living for the past eleven years on the mean streets of New Orleans’s he is no stranger to violence, fighting to stay alive. Black now has a purpose, a beautiful home, with running water, electricity and a roof over his head. To keep it, he must turn his talents on Johnson.

Johnson races across America constantly being pursued by Black who misses a lot of narrow attempts at finishing Johnson off for good, however Johnsons superb military skills is helping to keep him alive. Until he see’s his face plastered across the city. ‘Wanted. Believed to be Armed and Extremely Dangerous’. With his mug shot staring at him wherever he goes, being watched by his own eyes it is not long before the police are hunting him down along with the F.B.I and Black.

With the odd’s stacked heavily against him, Johnson takes the only things he has left, the files, to a man who was his fathers friend. Still grieving over the death of his father who was shot by the same government he swore to fight for, Johnson meets with Attorney General Cole Hennessy. However it isn’t Hennessy who shows up. Johnson is taken hostage and tied up in an unknown location and pleads his case with Black who pulls a gun on him and sets up a video camera with a direct link to the governments offices. Black is convinced by Johnsons argument that the two are in fact brothers who where separated at birth after their mother and father split. Together they band together to rescue Hennessy.

Jack Johnson fulfils his mission to save the life of Hennessy who in turn releases the file, leading to the arrest of certain corrupt and dangerous men in the government. Johnson goes to lay flowers at his fathers grave before he moves to California.

Old Synopsis for Previous Idea

Over ten years ago there was a man who stalked the nights. A deranged killer. After brutally killing over 100 students he was finally captured. He died in jail in the year 2009, but now he’s back. As a group of students gather together over Christmas for a new years eve party, the fun begins. As night falls, the party continues. However there is somebody watching them. Suddenly the back door is found open in the house. Then an upstairs window. A party goer shuts the window before going to the loo. However the shower curtain is swaying. I am going to show her peeling it back when she suddenly screams. The rest of the partying students fail to hear her pleas for help. As the party continues into the early hours of the morning, more of the partiers meet an untimely end. Suddenly it is a desperate fight for survival as the doors are locked tightly shut, The windows nailed down and no way of escape. In the end two students manage to escape the house and flee into the night. The police detectives arrive the next day and the house is completely back to normal with no signs of any of the events which happened last night.

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