Tuesday 10 November 2009

- Action

Bad Boys 2

The trailer starts with a two second CU clip of the two main stars of the film. The camera pans across their faces, instantly showing the audience the two big stars Will Smith and Martin Lawerence, this is one of the films main selling points and so throughout the trailer they continually use the technique of CU shots of the stars faces to reinforce to the audience the big star actors who they have got in their film. This two second clip of these big stars could instantly encourage the audience to continue to watch the rest of the trailer as any film associated with their names must be good. A clue is also given to the audience as both characters are shown wearing bullet proof vests with the word 'POLICE' written on. This tells the audience a snippet of information about these characters occupations and gives links as to what the film is going to be centred around.

The next scene starts very quickly and instantly jumps into the action of the film. By displaying the wheel of the very expensive and nice looking super car the audience can immediately make the connection that there is going to be fast and tense action packed chase sequences. The CU of the wheel reving and the car racing off down the road highlights this. Will Smith is heard saying 'Nobody is getting away from me today' again suggesting that this is his job and given more background on the characters. It also displays the fact that the character is prepared to go to great lengths in order to catch this person which suggests that the person is a serious criminal and it could also suggest the action and impending violence which is about to happen as he will stop at nothing to catch him.

During the chasing scene the camera is CU inside of the car making the viewer feel as if they are in the driving seat with smashed up cars and boats hurtling towards them as the car swerves narrowly to avoid them, this is the first time we also see the characters shooting machines guns. This highlights the fact that this is a dangerous car chase with shooting and violence. Instantly the film has shown the main concepts which are associated with action in order to define the films genre. The use of machine guns suggests gun fights, fast car chases and the constant screaming and shouting of the two main characters highlights the high levels of testosterone and adrenaline which indicates that this is a film targeted at a male audience. The idea that a boat is hurtling down a motorway towards them also shows to the audience the craziness and dangerous situation that these two characters are in, this effect immediately draws the audience in prompting them to want to know what is happening, who they are chasing and whether or not they will achieve their goals.

The trailer then uses juxtaposition in showing both the characters sitting in a quiet office. Neither are speaking and look calm and relaxed, showing the two contrasting sides to their jobs. A third character has also now been introduced. His questioning of the two police officers and their respect towards him indicates his authority and displays to the audience that this character is a police chief. This scene also switches to MS. Showing the story from the two different sides of the table. On one side is the pencil-pushing boss who wants to look good and doesn't like mess and on the other side is the police on the streets who are fighting against crime. This could also suggest a potential for altercations.

In between the sort of interrogation scene where they are explaining to their boss what happened is yet more, really fast paced, CU action sequences, of cars blowing up, guns ripping through the air and kicking up mud and smashing glass, and the character played by will smith shouting 'Police' whilst doing a forward roll behind cover. This fast paced continuity editing builds the excitement and tension which in turn excites the audience involving them in the incidents and not allowing them time to look away, it constantly keeps them hooked in the film. At the end of the interrogation where the character played by Smith says that they didnt cause all of the damage and the character of Lawrence says he was at a family bbq highlights the element of comedy in the film and shows the laid back nature of the police officers.

The trailer then switches to different establishing shots of the city skyline showing the towering buildings, setting the scene for the next piece of action. In these fast snippets we are shown a team of swat getting ready to go into a building, a helicopter in pursuit of a boat and a CU shot of lots of pills. This indicates some of the narrative of the film highlighting the fact it has something to do with drugs and the amount of pills prompts the idea of drug distribution. The SWAT team shows another element of gun fighting and violence indicating that there is a lot more action to come. The CU shots of the helicopters, the flashlights on the special forces heads who are submerged in the water, the weaponry and super cars indicates the high levels of technology which again indicates that this is intended for a male audience.

The excerpts of dialogue provide the audience with enough information to form the plot. For example when Lawrence says 'I cant get in a gun ight everyday' This suggests he is used to constant gun fights which highlights the dangerous nature of his job and portrays the area in which they police as been rife in criminal activity. It could also indicate he is becoming irritated with his job and wants to leave. Also when in the middle of a fire fight when Lawrence says 'we just wanna talk' to which Smith replies 'Well they cant hear you 'cos they're still shooting at you'. Again this shows the dangerous streets and the fact that one of the characters may have had enough of his job. It also however shows a comical element again to the film as in the middle of a dangerous gun battle the police officer asks if they can talk. Towards the end of the trailer Marcus talks about the fact that they have killed everyone. Lowery replies saying that they didnt kill every one. The clip then shows the one man they didnt kill being pushed by them underneath a moving train. Marcus describes this as being the most emotional cop week of his life. Lowery replies 'yeah it has been a little rough'. These comedy one or two liners give the characters a cool macho look.

2:02 minutes into the film. The camera angle switches to a low angle long shot. The main characters walk towards the camera slowly with dramatic, powerful and heroic music playing over the top. This gives a feeling of power and loyalty which is backed up the the conjoining scene where Lowry repeats their motto of 'We live together, we die together. Bad boys for life.' This highlights the strong bond of friendship and loyalty these characters have formed whilst also portraying them to be justice fighters, who are strong, macho and powerful and will stop at nothing to fight crime. After this sequence The title of the movie is shown towards the end so the audience will remember it. If this was at the begining the audience would likely forget it by the end. After this the action packed, fast paced editing of explosions, gun fights and car chases speeds up to a crescendo at the end where all of the action suddenly stops like the eye of the storm. At the end Marcus and Lowery are seen laughing and joking with each other in CU again reinforcing the stars in the film.

Terminator Salvation

This trailer takes a different approach. As this is the fourth film in the terminator franchise the audience already know the terminator films and associate them with the Action genre and the fighting, chasing and explosions scenes which have been in the previous three, therefore this could be the reason why this trailer has chosen only to show a few fast paced adrenaline pumping action packed sequences.

The film trailer uses many different camera angles which has the effect of keeping the viewers interested and involved in the film. The use of the Over the Shoulder Shot at the begining looking out onto the landscape of destruction, buildings and the city has crumbled and is in complete devestation, there appears to be no life. A character says 'Judgement day is what happened.' Followers of the film know what judgement day is and will know the general storyline. The main character is wearing military style clothing suggesting he is a resistance fighter and a soldier. The CU shots of the robots and terminators highlights the sci-fi element of the film and creates the futuristic setting. The CU shots also emphasises the size and powerful machines that are destroying the earth and taking over humanity. By placing a shot of the terminators straight after the shot of the destruction to the city the audience who have not followed the franchise can easily see they are the cause of the devestation. The logo for Warner Bros then appears with some computer like beeps and static as if the connection from some computer broadcast is being lost. This gives the feeling of new technology and an advanced society with high tech machinery.
The use of the extreme LS is effective as it shows the main character looking very small driving down a small road surrounded by a desolate and sparse, flat environment. The small figure surrounded by the destruction shows the vast scale of the problem and indicates a David vs Goliath type struggle as to how this one small man can save the world. The sound track playing over this trailer is again heroic and powerful to fuel the adrenaline of the audience and it also highlights this character is the leader, he is powerful and that he is the hero who is going to fight and save the day. Throughout this trailer the colours are all quite dull and faded to give a worn out, destructive look of the world which has been anhilated by Judgement day and the terminators. The colours are all dark and dismal to create a mood of depression and of defeat and constraint as all of the humans are being taken prisoner and they are being wiped out.
The trailer uses CU to show the faces of all of the characters which are shown. This has both the effect of showing their emotions whilst also showing the humans are becoming rare and the use of CU symbolises that they are special and important in the battle against skynet. The trailer uses a LS to show Skynet. It is shown in the dark with bright lights surrounding it and huge towers with spotlights. This gives the feeling of it not only looking like a prison, with the dull colours highlighting the characters feeling of being trapped, but it also shows skynet as being futuristic.
The trailer again uses continuity editing and straight cuts so the action continues from shot to shot. This has the effect of increasing the speed of the footage which in turn adds excitement and tension as all of the action is exloding out of the screen, one thing after another which excites the audience and fuels their adrenaline. This excites them about the film, encoraging them to want to see it.
The use of a CU on the face of a terminator before it fades to reveal a CU shot of John Connor shows the direct battle between man and machine, john connor and skynet.
Towards the end of the film trailer the iconic music of terminator is played. Fans of the films will instantly recognise this and associate it with the terminator films.
Die hard with a Vengence

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