Tuesday 6 October 2009

Conventions of Film Trailers

From researching many different film trailers across a range of genres. Film trailers in general share most of the same typical conventions; the first of these being the fast paced editing which is used to create a tense, fast and exciting pace. This excites the audience and engages the audience into the film. The excitement draws them in and hooks them immediately creating an excited feeling which prompts the reader to want to see the film. However this is not always the same convention and can differ between genres, for example a romance film tends to have a more slow paced editing to create a feeling of love and calmness. The pace of editing helps to define the film and in some cases can speed up as the film trailer progress into the main action and exciting sequences.

Film trailers also use more CU's than any other type of shots. This is to show reactions and to show the faces of the stars in the film. This is importan as some times the stars could be the films selling point as people could watch a film depending on the stars. Also the close up's help to give a sense of closeness and again can generate excitement.

Nearly all movie trailers have a voice over giving away brief snippets of information of the story.

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