Friday 29 January 2010

Shooting Schedule

1st Shoot:

19 - 2 -2010

Film the inside shot if Johnson sitting at the table reading the top secret files.


Today we filmed most of the outdoor shots, we filmed the scenes of Johnson and the assassin seeing each other, talking on the phone and then being chased through the woods. We also filmed shots of Johnson walking down the street.

Today we went down to the church and filmed the shots with Johnson inside of the church.

(Filming a second time to get more footage)

2nd Shoot -


Today we went up to the docks and filmed in an abandoned area a chase scene between the assassin and Johnson. During this time we also noticed another possible location we could use.

Today we went back up towards the docks and conducted the filming of Johnson walking near the underpass, and also took footage of Johnson standing looking out over the water of the docks (however this was left out in the editing stages and never made it into the final product)

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