Friday 29 January 2010

Cast list / Location List

Prop List:

  • Green Army Combat Jacket
  • Army Beret
  • Photograph
  • Johnsons Documents
  • Top Secret Government Files
  • Gun
  • Lamp
  • Mobile Phone
  • Glass

Cast List:

Reece Thompson as Jack Johnson
Gerard MCcourt as Sean Black

I have choosen to only show two characters in the trailer of the film. Although i know this is unusual i have choosen to do this as i wanted to show the main link between the hero and protagonist. I wanted to concentrate on the two main characters stories as these are the two characters who really matter and who hold the key to the future of the world.

Location list:

When deciding what locations to use i took into account the genre of my film whilst also taking into consideration the narrative. I decided i would like my trailer to have a gritty look to show the darker side of life and the hard situations which the hero Jack Johnson is being placed in.

  • Wooded area - I found an area of trees and bushes. The location straight away appealed to me for a chase scene which is what i used it for. After seeing many horror films, such as the Blair Witch Project i discovered that chase scenes through woods looks mysterious and exciting whilst keeping a hidden element of danger, as anyone could be lurking anywhere and the hero doesnt know where he is or where he is heading. This i believe will help to create excitement in the fast paced and tense chase scene.
  • House - Dining Table - I had the idea for this location as soon as i established the storyline for my trailer and began discovering the characters and their lives. I first had the idea of showing Jack Johnson being seated inside a cafe, my original view, was to show Johnson seated at a table tucked away in the corner of a small cafe, warily looking through the folder and being interrupted by a server who brings his coffee over, however during the actual filming i ran into many complications with being able to film inside a cafe. I decided to then, keep my idea but alter it slightly in showing Johnson sitting in his home as it was more personal and where the character feel's the safest. I also feel that by making this change, it allowed me to alter the lighting in the scene to show the character staying up late which i feel highlights his troubles.
  • Residential Estate - My first idea for the residential lot was completely different to the one i have decided to use. My initial idea for this was to have my character living in an ordinary house down a street to highlight my characters ordinary and plain lifestyle. However whilst looking for suitable locations i came across an area which appealed to me and instantly looked like the sort of location where Johnson could live. This is due to two reasons; firstly, the houses where in a group of only a small few in different sections of the area and it straight away gave me the image of a sort of base where soldiers and their families live together when they are not away fighting, it also had more of a community feel and looked more appealing.
  • Church - I decided to include the scene of Johnson going to church. After researching into the U.S army and the ethic's and religious views of American people i discovered that America is a religious country with a big number of their soldiers attending church on sundays etc, so i believe this would not only add to my characters background by defining his religious views but it also highlights another place where my character feels safe, a place of sanctuary where he feels he can go to to think.
  • Side Street - I decided after searching for a good location that the main ideology of my character is to stay hidden away whilst trying to get to where he needs to be. Therefore i decided that my character would obviously avoid using roads or main streets where there is a lot of people. Therefore, i decided that the allwy would be a great choice of location due to it's isolated feel.
  • Underpass - This was not an original location, i noticed this location when i was trying to find a good deserted run down street. This instantly attracted me as a good scene to use as it was hidden away from view allowing for my characters to remain undetected whilst they when about their altercation with each other.

Locations added after original filming

  • Docks / Abandoned area - I chose this area for the reasons that it was abandoned and run down with smashed and crumbling buildings as i believe it created a sense of danger and isolation which sparks the audiences excitement as my character has run into an area where there is nowhere left for him to go she it also suggests that he is trapped. The run down area i felt also suggested my characters personality as he has served his use and is now being turned again and in a way is trying to be demolished and destroyed.
  • Underpass : I chose this location for the same reasons as i chose the above location, it was dark and therefore gave a mysterious and dangerous feeling to the scene, it also looked a rough area with glass covering the floor and grafitit on the walls which added an element of danger to the scene
  • Field - I chose the field to show my two characters squaring off and fighting becuase i wanted to highlight to the audience that this battle had become so personal that the characters had forgotten and where not bothered about who was around or arousing attention they just fought with everyone watching them.

(Other Location idea's which i had but didnt decide to use where;

Shooting Schedule

1st Shoot:

19 - 2 -2010

Film the inside shot if Johnson sitting at the table reading the top secret files.


Today we filmed most of the outdoor shots, we filmed the scenes of Johnson and the assassin seeing each other, talking on the phone and then being chased through the woods. We also filmed shots of Johnson walking down the street.

Today we went down to the church and filmed the shots with Johnson inside of the church.

(Filming a second time to get more footage)

2nd Shoot -


Today we went up to the docks and filmed in an abandoned area a chase scene between the assassin and Johnson. During this time we also noticed another possible location we could use.

Today we went back up towards the docks and conducted the filming of Johnson walking near the underpass, and also took footage of Johnson standing looking out over the water of the docks (however this was left out in the editing stages and never made it into the final product)