Tuesday 29 September 2009

Ideology behind my Product

The ideology behind my media product is; to inform and entertain young people aged between 16-30. Firstly my main product of the film trailer is going to be called 'Truth or Dare' and is going to be a mixture of three genres which are; drama/thriller/action. The purpose of my film trailer is to entertain, whilst appearing as close to reality as is possible. The institution behind my film is Recon productions, however after researching many different film trailers i found that most movie trailers tend to be produced by more than just the one film company and so i decided to follow these conventions and include established production companies such as Warner Bros and Lionsgate productions in my film trailer. The audience for my trailer is mainly male, with action sequences and the narrative centred around war and soldiers fighting each other with guns and fighting which stereotypically appeal to males. I would target my age range at between 15-30 year olds as after researching into cinema and younger people i discovered that younger people aged between 15-30 are the main age range for visiting the cinema and watching films and so therefore i am going to target my film at this age range. I also feel that my target audience would be influenced more towards males who tend to favour the action genre more than other films genres. My target audience of young males, who maybe aren't particularly wealthy who have an interest in action films and have fantasies about themselves being in action films, such as lots of young males wanted to become Power Rangers or James Bond i feel the same can be said of my film

My film magazine is again targeted towards the younger age range between 15-30 due to the reasons given above. My audience is also directed at film lovers who want to read about the latest released films and news happening in hollywood and the filming world.
The ideology behind my film magazine 'Premiere', is to infrom audiences of films currently in development, films currently being released or 'coming soon' and the latest filming news from hollywood and the filming world, whilst also entertaining my audience with entertaining news and exciting and interesting events. My magazine would represent the working class people, this would be represented by my magazines low price tag of £2.50 so that more people would be influenced to purchase it. For example if people are wondering what film to go and see they can pick up my magazine for cheap and read some reviews whereas the £3.99 price tag attached to Empire and Total Film may put potential buyers off as they would not want to pay too much for a magazine which they may not be regular buyers of. Also by making the price low it means more people can afford to pay for it as it is a reasonable price and would be the cheapest movie magazine in the industry. I would include screen shots from the latest films, along with pictures of the films stars with reviews of the films and the latest news about filmstars, the major film companies projects coming soon and also text from writers and directors along with producers informing my audience on their skills and giving advice to young film makers, this would also inform people of how to try and break into the competitive industry with advice from the experts which neither Empire or Total film currently offer on a regular basis, meaning my magazine would be the first to do this, which could be one of it's sellable points.

My film poster is going to include an image of either a screen shot of my film or a shot of one of the film's main characters standing in front of a dramatic war ravaged looking background to indicate to the audience that the man is a soldier and that the film is about soldiers, war and fighting. I will have a main title of the film towards the top of the image with a slugline running underneath the image relating in some way to my film, to try and give some information about the film whilst also providing a catchy phrase which will hopefully spark my audiences interest and excitement in my film. I will also have some pugs running along the bottom of the poster with possibly a recommendation from another media institution such as a newspaper. The ideology behind my film poster is to entertain and advertise my film. I aim to make the poster look dramatic, exciting and eye-catching so that my audience see the poster and are attracted to it and then obviously look at it and are told about my film which in turn will hopefully have the effect of persuading them to see it. The audience which my poster is directed towards is the same as the age range which i have set out for my other two media texts. I feel i have appealed to the younger people by firstly showing my main character in a dominant stance holding a machine gun in his hand. Typically men are known to be interested in fighting, weapons, fast cars, explosions therefore the inclusion of the prop gun and the war ravaged background immediately indicate to the audience that there is going to be fighting involved, with weapons firefights and explosions which immediately excites my target audience of males.

My Production Brief

A Promotion Package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options.

  • A website for the film
  • A film Magazine (Front Cover) Featuring the Film
  • A Poster for the film

(The two of these anciliary tasks which i have choosen to produce are; A poster for the film and A film Magazine front cover.


As part of my A2 Media Studies course I have to design one media product, which will be my promotional film trailer as my main product in conjunction with two ancilliary media texts in relation to my main product, in this case I have decided to design the front page of a film magazine with my film and a movie poster.